

Is it a girl or boy ?

Spend money on a toy

First Similac

Then a Cadillac

Then comes the cold hard facts

Can’t drive because of Cataracts

Eating pig fat and Big Mac’s

Wonder why heart attacks?

“Root a toot toot - Rat a tat tat “

Can’t remember- who is that ?

Explain the meaning of “ Casey at bat “?

I think I’m constipated

Or have I hallucinated ?

To medicated ?

BP meds make me dizzy

Some meds make me queasy

Doctors alway busy

Tobacco - used to smoke

Can’t remember- maybe too Cannabis dope ?

Can’t breath, I just choke

Carrying extra weight like a yoke

I want pity - I barely can walk

I better not cry , I better not pout?

Unmerited people think I’m a joke ?

From my life-I’ll kick them out?

Who to blame ?

What a shame .

Do I know your name?

Time goes by fast for the old

For the young we know ,goes by slow !

Don’t eat all fried food in a pan ?

Enjoy life while you can !

Go to the Creek and play in the sand !

Take a kid - be an encouraging woman or a man!

Sydney Jones