Cow, Corn Worms, Cats and Kids

Cow, corn worms , cats and kids

Wormy sweet corn we kids would pick

Shuck it in the shade -was the trick

The milk cow stood by the fence

Over the fence we threw the shucks

Break the wormy end off - yucks!

The drooling cow would munch

Slobbering as it ate its lunch

Chickens fighting -over the worms

Which was funnier? -we were torn

Slinking cats in the mix

Dog was there ,we’d pick off its ticks

Face flys on poor ol’ cow

Tears dripping down its face

The flys drank them - did not waste

It was at the time quite a melee ( me- lay)

Then we’d be finished for the day

We’d carry the corn in to the house

In boiling water it was doused

Mom would freeze it for sister and me

In Winter we’d eat it, you see.

The time was in the 1960’s

Poem written a decade past my fifties !

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Sydney Jones