Life on elkhorn Creek

Mother and little daughter

Lived in a farm house

could hear tinkling water

The sound came from Elkhorn Creek

Farm life was not for the meek

The men would labor and sweat

Tasty food from Mother took to the field

Smiles from the men always met

As they loaded their crops yield

In the creek ,shallow to the other side

Mother and daughter in car would drive

Mother would stop in the middle

Washing the car

Little daughter would giggle !

Around 1940 was the year

Mother was no more than 5 ft tall

In the barn they went with cheer

Going past the work horse stall

Up in the hay loft they would go

Chickens liked nesting there , you know

Gathering the eggs they liked to do

A giant black snake would swallow then too!

It had swallowed many eggs

Laying there bloated

Mother found a hoe

And cut off its head

Little daughter said “ the snake is dead!”


Little daughter on her Papa’s back

Wading Elkhorn creek they would trek

Cousins lived not far away

Soon approaching was Thanksgiving day

A Tom turkey is what Papa sought

From the cousins he readily bought

Back at the creek they stood

On Papa’s back little daughter goes

He says “ you hold the turkey legs below its toes “

The turkeys weight in her hands

Papa waded the creek ,back on land !

He took the turkey ,put little daughter on her feet

Mother at home they were glad to meet .

Mother dressed the turkey

Prepared it for a meal

Papa says to little daughter

“ Time and money well spent.

What a deal !”

Thanksgiving day ,soon to be

Mother was the best cook you see !

All was tasty from A to Z!

Sydney Jones